Product Care and Handling
Caring and protecting an instrument play a vital role in creating long lasting durability and trouble-free experience, instruments maintenance is as necessary as using them. All Beaden® Instruments reusable stainless steel instruments are autoclaveble and highly resistant to corrosion since having maximum percentage of Chromium and Nickel in them, but exposing stainless steel instruments to certain chemicals will corrode and discolour them.
Instruments should never be exposed to the contents that are not particularly produced to be used with dental instruments or for instruments cleaning and sterilization etc. There are certain chemicals that are extremely harmful for the instruments that includes Mercury Chloride, Mercury Salts, Phenol, Potassium Permanganate, Potassium Thiocyanate, Sodium Hypochlorite (bleach), Stannous Chloride, Sulfuric Acid and Tartaric Acid (Tarter & Stain Remover), Carbolic Acid, Chlorinated Lime, Citric Acid, Dakin’s Solution, Ferric Chloride, Ferrous Chloride, Hydrochloric Acid, Iodine, Lysol®, Tarter and Stain Remover, Aluminum Chloride, Aqua Regia, Barium Chloride, Bichloride of Mercury, Calcium Chloride, Chlorine or Chlorinated products, Household Bleach, these chemicals would adversely react to the instruments and can destroy them.
General Care & Maintenance
Use instruments only for the purpose they were designed for.
Handle instruments gently - avoid bouncing, dropping or overstraining.
· Soak instruments in Haemosol etc. to loosen blood and soil from box locks, ratchets, hinges etc. Clean instruments immediately after use to prevent blood and other debris from drying on to the surface. Blood causes a stain which is difficult to remove, and saline solution is highly corrosive to stainless steel.
· Rinse all cleaning
residue thoroughly off the instrument.
· Use
distilled or dematerialized water only for washing and rinsing as well as for
sterilizing, along with a nylon brush, nylon pot scrubber and low-sudsing,
near-neutral detergent (pH 7-a). Normal tap water will leave deposits on the
instruments due to the high mineral content.
· Do
not use steel wool, wire brushes, highly abrasive cleaners or detergents with a
high pH (B-9) as this will damage the passive layer or skin of your instrument.
The so-called passivation process during manufacturing forms a thin protective
film on the surface of the stainless steel instrument.
Through constant use and repeated processing an instrument will actually
passivate itself. Older instruments are well protected by a tough layer of
passivation as a result of hundreds of washings, dryings and sterilizations.
· Keep
box locks and ratchets open when cleaning and sterilizing instruments.
Disassemble all instruments with removable parts.
Immediately after cleaning dip instruments in a water-soluble lubricant such as
Instrument Milk, Preplube etc. Do not rinse or wipe off - the protection film
of the lubricant should remain on the instrument throughout sterilization and
storage. If ultrasonic cleaning methods are used it is essential to lubricate
with Instrument Milk. Keep box locks, ratchets, hinges and serrations Free of
any debris. If substances are allowed to build up in the box lock the
instrument will become stiff and be subjected to misalignment and cracking.
Thoroughly dry the instruments before wrapping them. Any remaining moisture,
particularly in the box locks, hinges and crevices may result in corrosion.
· Make
sure your reusable instrument wrappers are rinsed thoroughly to remove all
residues of the detergents used for laundering, otherwise staining or corrosion
might occur during steam sterilization.
Never mix stainless steel instruments with instruments of dissimilar material
(carbon steel, copper, brass, aluminum). If a plated instrument is chipped or
peeled an electrolytic action will carry particles from the exposed metal on to
the surface of the stainless steel instrument. To eliminate problem replace all
plated instruments with stainless steel, if possible.
Never put stainless steel instruments and plated instruments together in the
ultrasonic cleaner, as electrolysis will cause corrosion or etching on the
stainless steel instruments.
· Avoid contact corrosion. Always keep stained or corroded instruments away from impeccable.
Beaden’s Recommended Care & Handling
Brand new instruments should be cleaned prior to the first
Contaminated instruments should be processed as soon as possible.
· Stubborn protein particles can be removed with a scrub brush. Never use steel wool, abrasives or acid rinse.
Open joints on instruments prior to preparation.
· Do
not use multipurpose detergents to wash or soak instruments. Instead, use a
low-suds detergent specifically designed for instruments. The pH of the product
should never be higher than 8.
· When using ultrasonic, a
detergent with a pH of 6, 7 must be used.
Lubrication is vital to a long steel instrument life, we recommend a water
soluble instrument milk from Beaden.
Avoid silicon lubricants because they tend to build up and mix with debris to
clog moving parts, which becomes almost impossible to remove. Debris buildup
can have a “rust-like” appearance.
Rinse your cleaned instruments in demineralized water. Be sure of cleaning all
residual cleaning compounds before sterilization, as they can cause stains.
· Dry the instruments
throughout after rinsing.